ホリエモン@近大/Horiemon@Kinki Commencement Speech
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Horiemon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takafumi_Horie), who is a famous entrepreneur in Japan, gave commencement speech at Kinki University, Japan. His main message is “Concentrate your mind on the present moment”. He pointed out globalization will force us to compete with people from all over the world, including those who haven’t had chance to study in a very remote African village. However, he still encourages us not to be pessimistic and to try to enjoy ourselves. I totally agree.
Due to globalization, our research job might be taken away. There hasn’t been any merit for foreign researcher to work in Japan and it will become less attractive for international students (probably those from developing countries) to study in Japan even if they win scholarship. I guess I have to think seriously why people should work with me. If I cannot find the answer, that is the end of my carrier.
By the way, the number of access to this page (as of today) is as follows: (1) Japan 11577; (2) United States 7954, (3) Ukraine 2850, (4) China 1216, (5) Russian Federation 1119, (6) France 746, (7) Netherlands 571 and so on. While I do not totally understand why there are so many access from Ukraine or Russia (illegal access???), it seems good for me to use this platform to interact with people from the other part of the world. (This is why I blogged in English today.)