
難民・移民を制限する大統領令が27日に出されたのに対して、学長名で29日夜に学内にメールが届けられた(http://www.unc.edu/campus-updates/message-chancellor-folt-response-executive-order/) 素早い対応、そして心強いメッセージだ。

To our more than 3,000 international students, scholars, staff and families – representing more than 100 countries: you are essential to our vibrant Carolina community. We remain fully committed to a diverse and inclusive campus and want all who work and study here to feel welcomed and valued. Those who come from the listed countries and anyone else can reach out to UNC Global with questions and concerns. They and many others across campus stand ready to help.

In the coming weeks and months, we encourage everyone to do your best to stay focused on your work, and fully engaged in the dreams that brought you here.


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