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Human Biology Associationのポスター発表のために、いつも校閲を依頼している会社に英文校閲を依頼した。ところが、納品日を勘違いしていたために納品が発表に間に合わなくなるリスクが出てきた。そこで、他の一社にも校閲を出すことにした。結局、一社目がぎりぎりで間に合ったものの、せっかくなので両社の校閲についてメモ(下は校閲された文章の一部)。



The health problem of urbanization is not necessarily a matter of urban areas of developed countries. Now that population movement is dynamic and random due to the development of transportation, even people in the most remote areas have an access to urban lifestyle. Consequently, people in rural areas have also started to suffer from rapid increases in chronic diseases.
Although increasing number of researches focus on the health impact of urbanization in China, situation in the rural areas remains unclear. The authors conducted their research in rural communities in Hainan Island, China, where local residents have experienced a rapid lifestyle change in the last 20 years.
The authors collected dried blood samples and measured C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of future cardiovascular disease (CVD), to elucidate (1) association of CRP concentration with extent of economic development (indexed as mean household income of each community); and (2) association of CRP concentration with personal lifestyle parameters after adjusting for the effect of average household income of each community.


  入稿:4/7 23:50
  脱稿:4/8 5:17

The health problems of urbanization are not necessarily a matter for just urban areas of developed countries. Now that population movement is dynamic and random due to the development of transportation, even people in the most remote areas have an access to urban lifestyle. Consequently, people in rural areas have also started to suffer from rapid increases in chronic diseases.
Although an increasing amount of research focuses on the health impacts of urbanization in China, the situation in the rural areas remains unclear. The authors conducted their research in rural communities in Hainan Island, China, where local residents have experienced a drastic lifestyle change in the last 20 years.
The authors collected dried blood samples and measured C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of future cardiovascular disease (CVD), to elucidate (1) the association of CRP concentration with the extent of economic development (indexed as mean household income of each community) and (2) the association of CRP concentration with personal lifestyle parameters after adjusting for the effect of the average household income of each community.


・社名:TextCheck (http://www.textcheck.com/text/page/index)
・金額:80ドル(7円/word × 753 words × 1.5 (Express Service))
  入稿:4/6 9:18 (4/8 0:30 Expressサービスに切り替え)
  脱稿:4/9 19:01

Health problems due to urbanization are not only an issue in urban areas of developed countries. Due to improved modes of transportation, people in the most remote areas of the world have access to an “urban” lifestyle. Consequently, rural areas have begun to suffer from an increased prevalence of chronic diseases.
Although an increasing number of studies have focused on the health impact of urbanization in China, the situation in rural areas remains unclear. We conducted a study in rural communities of Hainan Island, China, where local residents have experienced a rapid lifestyle change in the last 20 years.
We collected dried blood samples and measured C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of future cardiovascular disease (CVD), to elucidate the association between CRP concentrations and the extent of economic development (indexed as mean household income for each community) and the association between CRP concentration and personal lifestyle parameters after adjusting for the effect of average household income in each community.


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